
inspire. empower. transform.


See What Previous Interns Have to Say About VCT’s Professional Internship Program:

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working at VCT. I got to strengthen my skills as a stage manager, and I also got to develop brand new skills in theatre education and tour management. I feel very lucky that I got to work in a space where I was encouraged not only to do what I was familiar with, but to go outside my comfort zone and explore different facets of theatre. The staff at VCT genuinely cared about the work they were doing, which made coming in to work each day exciting and meaningful. At the end of every day, I could leave knowing the work we had done mattered to a kid and made a difference for them.
Hannah Land, Summer 2016 Intern
Being an intern was more than I ever could have expected. There is so much experience to be gained from working at a professional theatre. It isn’t something that can be duplicated elsewhere because you are given a part of this business and it becomes your job to maintain it effectively. As an actor, I stepped into some new fields of work, but I learned so much about the theatre as a whole, making you more marketable.
Graham Grasty, Emory & Henry College, Summer 2010 Intern
What I valued most about my internship with VCT was that it provided me not only the opportunity to learn, which I did, but also the opportunity to teach. It is a uniquely rewarding experience to be able to hone your skills as a performer while also serving as a role model for a group of young actors and actresses. I have come across few places like it in my many experiences. VCT will always hold a warm place within my heart.
Caroline Rigby, Summer 2009 Intern, Christopher Newport University 10’, Currently resides in NYC
After moving to New York, I really appreciated working for a theatre like VCT. I had both the discipline of structure required by the professional acting world and the freedom to experiment within the role. My opinions were valued and my work was cultivated. You don’t find that everywhere, and in that way VCT is a perfect place for a young actor.
Elise Bernlohr, Summer 2009 Intern, American University ’10, Currently resides in NYC.
My first starring role in a musical was Junie B. Jones at VCT. At VCT, I learned about what it takes to handle professional rehearsal schedules. My experience with VCT has helped me become better prepared for other serious acting jobs that I may get in the future.
Gina Laguzza, Christopher Newport University, Summer 2010 Intern

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PHONE: 540-400-7795
ADDRESS: 1321 3rd Street SW
Roanoke, VA 24016


P.O. Box 4392
Roanoke, VA 24015


Community High School of Arts & Academics

ADDRESS: 302 Campbell Ave SE, Roanoke, VA 24013
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ADDRESS: 344 Church Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016


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